Power of a Power Property of Exponents
Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers
Solving Equations with Radicals and Exponents
Quadratic Equations
Using Intercepts for Graphing Linear Equations
Graphing Linear Equations in Two
Multiplying Fractions
Solving Linear Equations Containing Fractions
Evaluating Polynomials
Multiplication Property of Square and Cube  Roots
Writing a Fraction in Simplest Form
Square Roots
The Pythagorean Theorem
Factoring The Difference of 2 Squares
Solving Polynomial Equations
Roots and Powers
Writing Linear Equations in Standard Form
Solving Nonlinear Equations by Substitution
Straight Lines
The Square of a Binomial
Solving Equations
Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions
Finding the Equation of an Inverse Function
Slope of a Line
Rules for Nonnegative Integral Exponents

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Author Message


Registered: 29.03.2003
From: New Haven, CT, USA

Posted: Wednesday 27th of Dec 11:17    

Hello there, I am a high-school student and at the end of the term I will have my exams in math . I was never a math genius , but this year I am really afraid that I won't be able to finish this course. I came across c examples to find sum of numbers and other math issues that I can’t understand . the following topics really made me panic : graphing and exponent rules .Getting a tutor is impossible for me, because I don't have any money. Please help me!!
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Registered: 08.03.2007
From: egypt,alexandria

Posted: Wednesday 27th of Dec 15:55    

It looks like you are not the only one encountering this problem. A friend of mine was in a similar situation last month. That is when he found this program known as Algebrator. It is by far the most economical piece of software that can help you with problems on c examples to find sum of numbers. It won’t just solve problems but also give a step by step explanation of how it arrived at that solution.
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Registered: 08.07.2001

Posted: Thursday 28th of Dec 11:35    

I agree. Algebrator not only gets your assignment done faster, it actually improves your understanding of the subject by providing very useful tips on how to solve similar problems . It is a very popular online help tool among students so you should try it out.
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Registered: 10.04.2002
From: France

Posted: Saturday 30th of Dec 08:05    

A great piece of math software is Algebrator. Even I faced similar difficulties while solving triangle similarity, angle-angle similarity and percentages. Just by typing in the problem from homework and clicking on Solve – and step by step solution to my math homework would be ready. I have used it through several algebra classes - Intermediate algebra, Intermediate algebra and Intermediate algebra. I highly recommend the program.
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Registered: 15.07.2004

Posted: Sunday 31st of Dec 10:15    

I hope this software has an easy navigation. Can I have a look at it?
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Voumdaim of Obpnis


Registered: 11.06.2004
From: SF Bay Area, CA, USA

Posted: Tuesday 02nd of Jan 09:34    

Here https://easyalgebra.com/the-pythagorean-theorem.html. Happy problem solving!
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